mysql -u root -p -- Connect to Mysql
show databases; -- view databases
create database db_name; -- create database db_name
create schema db_name; -- create database db_name (schema <=> database)
use db_name; -- change database to db information_schema for all statements
show databases; -- list all databases
select database(); -- show current database
help contents; -- access help path
create user test identified by 'test'; -- create user
grant select on test.table_test to test; -- grant select on table_test to user test
select user, host, password from mysql.user; -- show all users
drop user test; -- drop user
show grants; -- show user grants
show grants for 'user'@'host' -- show grants for a specific user
Tables are fully defined by using db_name.table_name.
desc table_name; -- describe table
show tables; -- show database tables;
show index for table_name; -- show index for table_name
show table status; -- list detailed table info
show create table table_name; -- list DDL for table_name create script
truncate table table_name; -- truncates table
analyze table test2; -- analyze table
explain select * from table_tes where pk_col=1; -- view explain plan
select now(); -- show system time
select @@tx_isolation; -- show transaction isolation level
show character set; -- display a list of available character sets
set autocommit = 1; -- default: set autocommit on
MySql administration (mysqladmin)
mysqladmin status
mysqladmin version
status -- Returns information on server state
password -- Changes a user password
shutdown -- Shuts down the MySQL server
reload -- Reloads the MySQL grant tables
refresh -- Resets all caches and logs
variables -- Returns values of all server variables
version -- Returns the server version
processlist -- Returns a list of all processes active on the server
kill -- Kills an active server process
ping -- Tests if the server is alive
/usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start
/usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server stop
On Windows:
mysqladmin -u root -p shutdown
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